Selama Maret 2019, Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP) naik 0,48 poin menjadi 96,09 persen. - Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Katingan

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Selama Maret 2019, Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP) naik 0,48 poin menjadi 96,09 persen.

Tanggal Rilis : 1 April 2019
Ukuran File : 0.31 MB


  • Kalimantan Tengah's NTP rose 0.48 points, from 95.61 percent (February 2019) to 96.09 percent (March 2019). This is influenced by the increase in the exchange rate of the smallholder plantation subsector (1.34 points), horticulture (0.77 points), and fisheries (0.72 points).
  • The price index received by farmers (It) rose 1.12 points, higher than the price index paid by farmers (Ib) which also rose 0.51 points.
  • The highest FTT occurred in the fisheries sub-sector (110.16 percent), followed by horticulture (103.61 percent), livestock (102.15 percent), food crops (94.95 percent), and smallholder plantation crops (88.19 percent).
  • The Agricultural Household Exchange Rate (NTUP) rose 0.62 points, from 103.24 percent (February 2019) to 103.86 percent (March 2019).
  • The Household Consumption Index (SCE) in rural areas is 134.94 percent or an inflation of 0.40 percent, followed by the inflation rate of the calendar year (0.90 percent) and the year-on-year inflation rate (3.83 percent). The increase in the price index occurred in all expenditure groups, except housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel.
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